Dr Jose Siqueira

  • College positions:
    Acting College Lecturer
    Director of Studies in Mathematics
  • Subjects: Mathematics


BSc Mathematics (University of Brasília); MASt Pure Mathematics (University of Cambridge); PhD Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (University of Cambridge)

Research interests

I’m interested in Category Theory and its usage as a tool to explore the Foundations of Mathematics at large. Recently, I’ve been concerned with developing extensions of the proof methods of nonstandard analysis (which classically introduce a rigorous way to employ infinitesimal numbers) to other contexts and studying the relationship between logic and geometry via topos theory.

Teaching Interests

I’ve been involved with teaching in Cambridge as a supervisor for courses in the Mathematical Tripos since 2018 and was responsible for the yearly Part III Preparatory Workshop on Foundations until last year. I also lectured the Part III course `Logic and Computability’ in Lent 2022, a role I’m happy to reprise this year. Prior to Cambridge, I also tutored students, taught graduate courses, and led workshops in Brazil, at the University of Brasília and the University of São Paulo.

Awards and prizes

1) Outstanding Student Award, University of Brasília (2014)

2) Smith-Rayleigh-Knight Prize, Group 4 (2019)


  1. Peter F. Faul, Graham Manuell, José Siqueira. 2-dimensional bifunctor theorems and distributive laws. Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 37, 2021, No. 34, pp 1149-1175.
  2. Peter F. Faul, Graham Manuell, José Siqueira. Artin glueings of toposes as adjoint split extensions. Accepted for publication in: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.
  3. Paiva Miranda De Siqueira, J. V. (2022). Tripos models of Internal Set Theory (Doctoral thesis)

Other interests

Cooking, fantasy novels, and spoiling my brother’s dogs.