Graduation dates

There are a number of opportunities each year for eligible candidates to graduate. Candidates who are suitably qualified by examination, residence and having discharged their College accounts may be admitted to their degrees at any Congregation of the Regent House. These are generally held on Fridays or Saturdays at roughly monthly intervals during term throughout the year. The dates for 2023-24 are:

Michaelmas Term (2023): Friday 20 OctoberSaturday 25 November

Lent Term (2024): Friday 26 January (in absence only), Saturday 24 February, Saturday 23 March (MA graduation)

Easter Term (2024): Saturday 27 April, Friday 17 May, Thursday 27 June (General Admission), Thursday 18 July

In addition to these ceremonies, which are open to all qualified graduands, the General Admission ceremony (which is only for MEng, MMath, MSci, VetMB, BA and BTh degrees) is scheduled to take place on Thursday 27 June 2024. These are the biggest and busiest ceremonies of the year. You can find out much more about the graduation ceremony, practical matters, and entitlement to proceed to the MA degree on .

The exact timetable for the day is only published shortly before each ceremony and will be sent by email to all graduands who are receiving their degrees in person.