
Data Protection: Tenants

How we use your personal information

This statement explains how 鶹Ů (“the College”, “we” and “our”) handles and uses information we collect about tenants and occupants of properties owned by the College (“you” and “your”).  In broad terms, we use your information to manage our relationship and the legal aspects of your tenancy.

The controller for your personal information is 鶹Ů, Trinity Street, Cambridge, CB2 1TA.  The Data Protection Officer for the College is the Office of Intercollegiate Services Ltd (OIS Ltd), 12B King’s Parade, Cambridge; 01223 768745; college.dpo@ois.cam.ac.uk. The Data Protection Officer should be contacted if you have any concerns about how the College is managing your personal information, or if you require advice on how to exercise your rights as outlined in this statement. The person within the College otherwise responsible for data protection at the time of issue, and the person who is responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in relation to the protection of personal information, is the Senior Bursar (email: senior.bursar@cai.cam.ac.uk)

The legal basis for processing your personal information is one or more of the following:

  • It is necessary in order for us to enter into a tenancy contract with you.
  • It is in our legitimate interests to ensure that the property is maintained correctly.
  • We have certain legal obligations as a landlord.

How your data is used by the College

We collect and process your personal information, as specified below, for a number of purposes, including:

  1. Entering into a tenancy agreement with you.

    We will hold your name, address, email address, phone number and other relevant contact details you provide to us, your date of birth and nationality, passport details (or other forms of identification such as residence cards and residence permits) before entering into a tenancy agreement with you. We may also take up references and perform credit checks to determine your suitability as a tenant and confirm that you are able to meet the financial requirements of the tenancy. 

  2. Providing you with necessary services.

    In order to facilitate smooth transfer of services between tenants and to provide maintenance services efficiently, we may share your contact details with utility companies and approved College contractors where necessary. Contractors, College staff or agents will never enter the property without prior notice, as per your tenancy agreement. 

    This may involve us handling some special category data about you, for example adaptations to accommodate a disability or to meet religious requirements. We will not share special category data without your consent. 

  3. Processing financial transactions and agreements

    The College processes payment of your rent and other financial transactions. It will also record details of any arrears and financial arrangements or any legal action for recovery of rent or other damages against you. We will retain this information for seven years after the transaction has taken place. 

  4. Fulfilling our legal obligations. 

    As landlord, the College is required to verify your right to rent, notify the local authority for Council tax purposes and arrange for certain safety checks of the property and equipment therein. 

We will retain your information for no longer than seven years after the end of your tenancy unless otherwise specified above.  

We also operate CCTV on some of our sites which will capture footage. The legal basis for processing your personal information via a CCTV system is that it is in our legitimate interests to protect College property, ensure a safe environment, deter and detect crime and provide evidence for alleged breaches of College status, regulations and staff handbook. Our CCTV policy can be viewed .

Who we share your data with

We do not share personal information with third parties for any other reason than those listed above. If you have concerns or queries about any of these purposes, or how we communicate with you, please contact us at the address given above.

Your rights

You have the right: to ask us for access to, rectification or erasure of your information; to restrict processing (pending correction or deletion); to object to communications or direct marketing; and to ask for the transfer of your information electronically to a third party (data portability).  Some of these rights are not automatic, and we reserve the right to discuss with you why we might not comply with a request from you to exercise them.

You retain the right at all times to lodge a complaint about our management of your personal information with the   at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF, or ;    

Last updated:  Accommodation Manager, Endowment Property Manager & Records Manager

May 2024